Welcome to Active HR

Helping shape great places to work.

About Us

We offer business owners advanced HR expertise

As a Queensland business, based in Townsville, the mission of Active HR is to help shape Queensland business’ into great places to work, ones that by way of culture attract and retain the best people, and through best practice leadership and people management practices activate their performance and potential.

What we do

Our Solutions

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The Active HR Health Check

This comprehensive HR Audit checks and reports back on 120 points of people and culture management practices that are pertinent to HR standards/systems.

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Recruitment and Onboarding

We offer a focussed recruitment, selection and onboarding solution that is aimed at finding the best people for your role depending on your need.

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Holistic HR Solution

A value based, robust approach that ensures your business meets all of its employment law compliance requirements.

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Performance Management

Utilising our 5S approach to performance management we can help clients build and attain high standards of employee performance.

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Workplace Resolution

Workplace conflict is a complex and time consuming issue and getting it wrong can be costly in terms of fines, compensation payments and employee turnover.

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Leadership Development

One that keeps innovating and developing businesspeople are pivotal and leadership is critical to creating that great place to work.

HR Coaching

Our Power Coaching Topic Range

Learn pivotal skills to advance your career and enhance your impact as a leader and/or professional.

Topics include:

Do you take care of your people?

Talk to a HR agency that can help you.

The Active HR difference is

  1. Our consultants are genuine and personable business partners who invest time in getting to know their client’s business, its people and the industry in which they operate, and using these insights help business owners adopt the right approaches, the ones that people want be a part of;
  2. We provide accessible face to face service delivery when and where needed supported by effective 7 day on call support. One of our aims is to ensure our business owners never feel alone when dealing with the complexities of managing people in their workplace.
  3. Comprehensive solutions that not only help resolve the workplace relations issues of the moment but also solutions that help proactively help business’ reposition its culture and people management approaches to those of an employer of choice, one that attracts, develops, promotes and retains the best people, with fewer unproductive issues to resolve.

Our Values

At Active HR we know that our reputation is key to our ability to deliver on our mission so it should be no surprise that we operate to a set of values the guide our decisions and how we operate in our dealings with clients and suppliers.  These are:



We deliver what we say we will;


We are Honest and Ethical


Our solutions are comprehensive, professional, and affordable


Lifelong learning and professional growth is critical to who we are and our ability to deliver the highest standards of service


To us, our people and our clients are family, we manage our relationships with humility and we nurture the trust we hold with others.

Active HR Model of Practice

The Active HR model of professional HR practice is designed with people and culture in mind and encompasses all aspects of the employee lifecycle in a manner that effectively bridges business strategy and business results approaches that aim to improve:

  • Empowerment
  • Engagement
  • Relationships
  • Achievements; and
  • Consistent with purpose

After all its the right people, with the right capability and the right attitude that brings a business its competitive edge.